Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 13: Social Media

Social media is everywhere. Virtually, everyone has some sort of social media site or connections. Whether it be Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, or a YouTube account, we are all a part of this interconnected network for social media. Social media has been transformed from not only a method to connect with your friends and keep in touch personally, but is now a way for businesses and companies to connect with their consumers and potential other business partners. Social Media must be kept up to date with new and exciting features for users to remain using that specific site. Also, the high level of switching costs deters many social media users from switching their accounts. For example, I am highly connected on Facebook with people from here, out of state, and around the world. I have multiple albums of pictures over the past few years that are established and display multiple occasions. Media sites are always competing to have the most members and most users. They fight for the competitive edge by implementing new and unique features.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Project: Database

By completing the database project, I learned a lot. Literally everything that was in the lecture videos and that Mr. Olson taught on Microsoft Access was new information. I had never heard of Microsoft Access and certainly never used it. The capabilities this program has are remarkable for organizing data and tracking information for a company or business purposes. I knew nothing about the program or how to use it. I learned how to organize data, compile lists and organize by certain criteria, and track trends in the data.

I believe that Microsoft Access is a very useful tool in the  business setting. However, I found it very difficult to use. Even after watching the lectures, taking notes, and rewatching the lectures, I still found myself confused on many of the tasks and how to complete them. Perhaps this is a program that takes a lot of practice to master.