Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 1: Clear- Technology Invasion


This first week in class has been an immense amount of information to take in. This is my first semester at the University of Florida and my first experience using Sakai. I am adjusting well and everything has been smooth so far! The course itself is intimidating to me because I am not exactly a connoisseur of technology and computers. My ability to function on a computer is limited to what I consider the basics: Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, and such.  The capacity of knowledge I hold on how technological devices actually work is minimal, so I am sure to gain a large amount of understanding in this class over the course of the semester.

 However, the material we covered in this first week has been clear to me.  Obviously, technology is literally everywhere in our society. From our daily computer and cell phone use, to red light systems in large cities, to the intricate workings of a new invention, we are constantly bombarded with technology. In Chapter 1, the book describes the boom of technology and the further integration into the business world and everything we use in our daily lives and in the workplace. I am not a business major and honestly am not that familiar with that area. The book used  examples about IT jobs and accounting to demonstrate the vast use of technology in that field. Although I had to do a little research to fully understand what some of the terms meant, a lightbulb went off when I thought about technology in my careers. I am a Health Education & Behavior major. I work two jobs, one as a licensed Paramedic on an ambulance (my primary career) and two as a substitute teacher at a middle school here in Gainesville. “Smart Boards” are now used in middle school classrooms. Basically, any technique of teaching (ie: Powerpoint presentations, pictures, quizzes, Word documents, etc) can all be transmitted from a computer to the projector onto the “Smart Board.” Then, with a special pen or simply your finger, the teacher or students can “write” on the board just like you would on a regular erasable board. Notes, diagrams, arrows, math problems, etc. can be written on this board. There are even different colored “markers” just like a regular board would have.

 As I stated previously, my primary job and career is working as a paramedic. I am employed with Dixie County EMS, which is an hour west of Gainesville. The closest hospitals to us are in Gainesville. Every patient that we transport is a minimum of an hour’s drive to Gainesville for treatment at the emergency room. This poses a significant problem if we have a specific type of patient. Here is a scenario and a little bit of background information.  Rescue 1 gets paged to a 65 year old male, complaining of chest pain. When we arrive on scene, we notice that the patient is presenting poorly and looks like the “textbook” heart attack presentation. A 12 lead EKG is performed. An EKG allows us to look at the electrical activity in the heart. Without going into too much detail, know that certain things change on the EKG which alert us as medical personnel to what we call a STEMI. For layman’s terms, this is basically a massive heart attack. Since we all know the heart is a muscle, time is of critical importance for that patient to get to the cath lab to get the blockage cleared out of their artery. Now, being in Dixie County (remember an hour away from the closest facility), we have a long transport ahead of us, even running lights and sirens. Time is muscle in cardiac patients! In other words, time is not on our side. In this type of scenario, we usually call for a helicopter transport since they can obviously fly faster than we can drive. Sometimes, however, this is not feasible. A number of factors are considered when medical helicopters fly, like (patient weight, weather conditions, or simply availability (already have a patient in their care).  This is where the cool technology comes in. Our cardiac monitors are able to transmit the EKG (what I as the paramedic see in front of me) to the physicians in the emergency department, even though we are an hour away. When a STEMI alert is called by a paramedic (alerting that the patient is having a heart attack), the cath lab team will not be called until a cardiologist is paged to interpret the EKG. We eliminate a lot of wasted time and extra steps by wirelessly transmitting this in the field. 

When the book described the way technology is used in all fields, I immediately thought of these two devices and how technology is present in my career. Being able to link the material directly to my life and things that I take part in makes it much easier for me to comprehend!

Below are two videos further describing what I talked about above.



*Permission granted for reuse by Standard YouTube License.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Thanks for sharing how technology is used in your career. It is great that you can connect the lesson content to the real world. This will help the concepts to "stick" much longer than just the time frame of the class.

    Dr. Means
