Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week 10- Clear (Microsoft Access)

Week 10: I was introduced to an entire new software and its' inner-workings that I have never used before. Microsoft Access is a software that is used in databases. It can be used to keep track of inventory, phone numbers, customer lists, or track other information for your company. Here are some more useful times to implement Microsoft Access, taken from the Microsoft Office website.

Microsoft Access

I have never used Microsoft Access before or any other types of database tools, so this should be an interesting experience completing this project with no previous knowledge or experience. The videos were pretty clear on all of the various techniques we need to know to adequately complete the assignment. Also, the scavenger hunt was very helpful to be able to whittle away some of the extra, unnecessary information to focus on what is most import.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Extra Credit: Avatar

Extra Credit: Avatar
I completed the extra credit assignment to make an avatar of myself using the free program “Doppel Me.” I had never made an avatar before, even though I have seen other people’s likenesses. The program was very easy to use and gave multiple choices of different styles. For example, you could choose hair color, hair style, and various clothes. Although the system was very simple to use and I could not find anything I was displeased with (as far as actually making it), I was not very impressed by the final product. Perhaps my expectations that it would look very realistic were too high?